Lucy and Linh

Reading Guide: Lucy and Linh

Questions to guide discussion

1. Did the characters seem believable to you? Did they remind you of anyone? 
2. What similarities are there in Lucy’s journey through a year of high school and your experiences? Do you think the author portrayed the pressures of high school accurately? 
3. If you could hear this same story from another person’s point of view, who would you choose? 
4. This book explores different types of students through its characters. Do you think Lucy is a typical teenage girl? How do you relate to her? How about Amber Leslie? Does she have any redeeming qualities? 
5. This book is not set in current day where students have access to social media and rely on electronic devices for communication. How different would life have been for the characters if they had cell phones and online presences? Do you think the author chose to set this in a time without electronics for a specific reason and how does that add to the story? 
6. Discuss the family dynamics in the book – which do you relate to most? 
7. The idea of power and popularity is explored in this book, did you find it realistic? Does power always poison or do you have experience where the popular girl resists the urge to exploit those she has the capacity to manipulate?