Children’s Books

People Who Shaped Our World, Book series for ages 5-9

Grace Hopper“If you’ve got a good idea, and you know it’s going to work, go ahead and do it.”

Gloria Steinem “Be strong and proud of who you are.”

Gwendolyn Brooks –  “Gwen steps high on her walk home./Gwen smiles brightly./Gwen BELIEVES.

Hedy Lamarr“It’s about time.

Maria Toorpakai Wazir –  “I am a warrior, I was born a warrior, I will die like a warrior.”

Wu Chien Shiung – “Courageous hero”.

Margaret and the Moon

Margaret Hamilton –  Computer scientist, systems engineer, NASA in-flight software developer

STEM Stars Series, for ages 0-6

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin – Astronomer and Astrophysicist

Ada Lovelace – First Computer Programmer

Mary Ross – First Native American female engineer

Rear Admiral Grace Hopper – Computer Scientist

Marie Maynard Daly – First African-American woman to earn a Chemistry PhD

Chien-Shiung Wu – Nuclear Physicist

Emmy Noether – German mathematician and physicist

Little People, BIG DREAMS series, for ages 3-8

Jane Goodall – The world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees

Frida Kahlo
World-renowned painter

Maria Montessori – Pioneering teacher and researcher

Rosa Parks – The Mother of the Freedom Movement

Emmeline Pankhurst – British political activist and helper of the suffragette movement